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TED talks, RSA shorts, Super Soul sessions, and more.


TED talks, RSA shorts, Super Soul sessions, and more.

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Brené Brown: Atlas of the Heart

Now streaming on HBO Max, a five-part series where we’ll map the emotions and experiences that make us human.

TED Talk: The Power of Vulnerability

My moment to dare greatly, this talk stemmed from my faith in my research and what emerged from the data—that vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center of meaningful human experiences.

SuperSoul Sessions: The Anatomy of Trust

An overview of the seven elements of trust: Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Nonjudgment, and Generosity. The acronym BRAVING serves as a helpful checklist when rumbling with trust issues with the people in our lives.

RSA Short: Blame

Brené considers why we blame others, how it sabotages our relationships, and why we desperately need to move beyond this toxic behavior.

RSA Short: Empathy

Brené reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own emotions.

TED Talk: Listening to Shame

Shame is an unspoken epidemic, the secret behind many forms of broken behavior. This talk explores what can happen when people confront their shame head-on.

Rising Strong Manifesto of the Brave and Brokenhearted Video

Brené reading this key manifesto from Rising Strong.

SuperSoul Sunday: Faking It, Perfectionism, and Living Wholeheartedly

Watch to find out why Brené says inauthenticity is contagious and why perfectionism is really another form of fear.

Sunday Sermon at Washington National Cathedral

Sunday Sermon on the crisis of spiritual connection by Dr. Brené Brown at Washington National Cathedral - Jan 2018

99U: Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count

Brené shows us how to deal with the critics and our own self-doubt by refusing to "armor up" and shut ourselves off.

Bravery & Authenticity in a Digital World: An Interview with Chase Jarvis

Brené discusses how failure, heartbreak, or loss can unlock creativity and your biggest successes in life.

The Quest for True Belonging: An Interview with Chase Jarvis

Brené discusses the importance of connection, how to use your art and creativity to get there, and the power of paradox.

The Power of Being Vulnerable with Jonathan Fields of Good Life Project

Brené explores the power of vulnerability, what it means to be brave, how people handle judgment, and how to decide whose opinions matter.

How to “Brave The Wilderness” with Marie Forleo of MarieTV

True belonging is so much more than “fitting in.” Brené explains how to balance our need for individuality and standing out with our innate need for social acceptance.
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